When you are about to venture on your travels for the very first time without the comfort of your family then it is entirely normal to have some doubts. It is a big step, and a leap into the unknown. There are often a number of different fears that people tend to have. For instance, you could have invested in a high-quality security system during Safemart’s 10th anniversary celebration, but you will still probably worry about the sanctity of your home and whether or not that sanctity will be violated while you’re gone. With that being said, it is purely how you deal with these problems that is the main thing but some more of the most common worries are listed below to let you see that it is indeed normal to have them and you are not alone.
Is it normal to have a doubt about having everything?
One of the major ones is that you do indeed have everything you will need for your trip and this does go beyond just worrying about your tickets and passport. This fear of forgetting something links back in with the worry about stepping into the unknown as you have no idea of knowing what the weather will be like, if you will get ill at some point, and so many other things that this leads to people trying to take everything they can. The key here is to think clearly and do not pack at the last minute. Oh and do make a list and tick things off as they go in your case.
What happens if I get into trouble?
You will find that unless you are in the middle of nowhere you should be in relative touching distance of some official link to your country. This is either through consulates or embassies and they will be able to give you some help and advice. Do carry out some research on the country you are going to and see what happens with calling the police. People worry about things going wrong in a strange place as they are unsure as to how they will deal with it but as long as you are sensible this situation will not even arise.
I’m going to miss my family and friends. How will I cope?
It’s perfectly normal to miss your friends and family when you travel – this is just a thing you have to learn to accept. Once you are out of your comfort zone, you will receive a shock to your system. Some days you will experience life-changing moments and see beautiful landmarks and you’ll painfully wish that your peers and loved ones are there to share it with you – that’s when the beauty of making international calls comes in.
When you’re feeling homesick, suck it in and remember you are experiencing a once in a lifetime experience. Alternatively, invest in some international phone cards and get reconnected with those back home. Bragging also helps 😛
I worry about taking ill!
This is a major worry that people have, but it is one that is very easily solved, but all you need to do is have the correct travel insurance. This will make sure you get the right treatment at the best place so all you need to do is ensure you get it from a reputable company and watch for your own personal hygiene when travelling as well as the hygiene of others and you should be fine.
Those are just three of the main fears and doubts people have but there are others such as, what happens if I need to get home early, for example, but as long as you do not panic then most doubts can be rationalized. It actually is perfectly normal to have those doubts prior to going on a trip and a large percentage of people are feeling the very same thing as you. As long as you think everything through correctly, and take your time whilst doing so, then the fears and worries may still be exist but shall at least be more at the back of your mind and cause you less problems as a result.